Online Registration:
1) Click "Register Now" on the left. This will take you to an online registration form. You will be asked to sign in or create an account.
2) Make your deposit online or elect to pay with a check. Checks can be made payable to Big Sky Bible Camp and mailed to:
Big Sky Bible Camp
501 McCaffery Rd
Bigfork, MT 59911a
4) Remember that you are not registered until your registration and payment have been received and processed by the camp.
5) Check your email for confirmation of your camp dates and an invoice.
Paper Registration:
1) If you are in need of a paper application, click here.
2) Your completed form and your $100 deposit can be mailed to:
Big Sky Bible Camp
501 McCaffery Rd
Bigfork, MT 59911a
4) Remember that you are not registered until your registration and payment have been received and processed by the camp.
5) Check your email for a personalized confirmation from Big Sky Bible Camp. This email confirms that your registration has been processed and that your camper has a spot in that camp. It also includes important information about your week of camp and a packing list.
We never want finances to keep a child from the opportunity to attend camp. Thanks to generous donors, Big Sky Bible Camp is able to offer limited scholarships for campers who are not able to afford camp. To apply for a Campership, please follow these steps:
1) Click here to download and print the Campership form. *Please note that Camperships are not available for Day Camps or Wilderness Camps.
2) Fill out the form completely.
3) Return the complete Campership form to us. You may scan and email the form to [email protected] (please make sure the scan is clear; forms that cannot be read will not be considered), or mail the form to:
Big Sky Bible Camp
501 McCaffery Rd
Bigfork, MT 59911a
4) We will review your application and respond via email within one week of receiving your application.
5) The $100 non-refundable deposit is NOT covered by the Campership and is required to reserve your camper's registration.
**A Campership form does not register your child for camp. A completed registration form is necessary to guarantee your child a spot at camp. For Registration information, see the Registration Information tab.**
Upon arriving at camp, you will be directed to a parking place near our camp office and then to a couple of locations around camp before leaving your camper in our care.
1) The Registration Area: This is where you can take care of any remaining balances and get your camper's cabin assignment for the week.
2) The Camp Nurse: All prescription and OTC allergy medication must be checked in to the camp nurse. For more information on bringing medications to camp, view our Camper Medication Policy under Camp Policies.
3) The Camp Store: Here you can add money to your camper's store account and make any up front purchases. If you would like to purchase a care package without your camper present, feel free to return to the store after you have left your camper in their cabin.
4) The Cabin: Finally, you and your camper can head to the cabin where you will meet your camper's counselor. At the cabin, you will sign the camper in and leave names of anyone who has permission to pick the camper up. Once the camper is signed in at the cabin, we consider them to be under our care and supervision for the week. This is your opportunity to say your goodbyes to your camper and wish them a great week.
We understand that circumstances come up in which you may need to cancel your camper's registration. If your camper is unable to come to their registered session, please notify camp as soon as possible, as we may be able place a waitlisted camper. The $100 deposit required to reserve your camper's place is non-refundable, but the remainder of your payment will be credited to your account to be used in your next transaction. Please contact the camp office if you would like your balance to be refunded.
If your camper is unable to come to their registered session but would like to attend a different week of the same summer, please contact the camp office, and we will do our best to find an open session and transfer their registration and payment to a week that they will be able to attend.